Repair Cafe

Repair Cafe is held on the third Saturday of the month 
10am - 1pm 
Avonway Annex Room

Next Repair Cafe

Fordingbridge Greener Living held its first Repair Cafe on Saturday 23rd April at Fordingbridge Scout Hut at Roundhill. The concept of a repair cafe is that, instead of throwing things away, people can learn from experts how to repair items; saves money and reduces waste. There are 2346 repair cafes registered worldwide with the Repair Cafe network

David Sanders who is one of the committee who run Fordingbridge Greener Living has been planning to open our repair cafe for a couple of years but restrictions meant that he had to put the project on hold. So, we are very pleased that we are at last now able to bring this exciting and important monthly event to Fordingbridge.

At our first event we were able to repair almost every item brought in from a diverse collection. We repaired an antique broach, hair straighteners, a toaster, an intelligent alarm clock, and a brass and glass antique lantern. In progress is a vintage teddy bear. The repairs successfully completed saved the equivalent carbon emissions as driving 313 miles.

If you have something that you would love to have repaired then bring your item along. We are also looking for more volunteer repairers, whatever your talents and experience. Tea, coffee, soft drinks and cakes will be available to purchase.

Get in touch if you want to know more or to let us know what items you will be bringing for repair:
WhatsApp Group: