Talk Green
The Right Light At Night
26th October 2023
Steve Tonkin is back with his popular talk The Right Light at Night.
In 2016 the American Medical Association declared exposure to Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) to be a human health hazard, but the biotic harms of ALAN are not limited to humans. It seems that everywhere we look at the natural world, from migrating birds to mating frogs, from foraging mammals to freshwater plankton, from coral spawning to already-endangered bats, it is adversely affected.
ALAN is recognised as one of the major drivers of biodiversity collapse (the others being climate change, habitat loss, and pesticide use). It is also the one that is most easily rectified.
This is a free event. But spaces are limited so please book your place using the link below:
Gardening for Wildlife & Biodiversity
26th April 2023
Our back gardens can be an ecological haven but there is an increasing awareness of the importance of them as refuges for biodiversity.
Paul will talk about why and how we can garden for wildlife and the choices and possible different ways of getting what the gardener wants. It will cover topics including wildflower meadows, ponds, and how to enhance your garden for wildlife and still have a beautiful display of flowers.
Lighting Biodiversity & Health
22nd March 2023
Hosted by Steve Tonkin FRAS
Badly implemented artificial light at night (ALAN) has been flagged up as an environmental pollutant for more than 40 years, yet little has been done to control it. This socially-accepted pollutant has caused the disappearance of our starry skies, but this is merely the easily-visible tip of a whole iceberg of harm. Every year, billions of birds and insects die as a direct consequence of ALAN, and we now know that it is implicated in several human health conditions. The remedies are known, are available, and are simple and cost-effective to implement; all we lack is the will to do so.
Steve Tonkin is the Dark Skies Adviser to the Cranborne Chase International Dark Sky Reserve. He has been advocating for responsible outdoor lighting for more than 30 years.
To explore the topics discussed in the talk, use this link: